Strength & Mobility Program
The way this program is structured feels really supportive and takes the pressure off 'achieving' something with the body. It's really cool for a physical trainer to be coming from a place that says 'hey you are already enough, and everything that is there is beautiful, let's bring that out' rather than the pressure and drive to 'get fit' or sculpt the body. It's completely unimposing and doesn't feel like work. Marion - Canada
... these simple exercises are very easy to fit into my daily rhythm
I recently participated in an online program with Beverly Carter called Strength & Mobility. I walk nearly every day and go to the gym regularly, about twice per week and one might ask – why bother with another program? Well, I found Bev’s classes very inspiring and really enjoyed the break from the equipment at the gym. It’s been refreshing and inspiring to broaden the range of what I can do to support my body and the simplicity of her exercises, combined with their effectiveness, blew me away. And what’s even better, there is no need for fancy props. I found that with commitment, these simple exercises are very easy to fit into a daily rhythm. And if that commitment has lapsed – well, then it’s time for another round with Beverly and the Strength & Mobility program. Gabriele - NSW