What Beverly Carter and It's Time to Shine has brought to the world in 2016
It's been an incredible year for Beverly Carter and It's Time to Shine Pty Ltd, which is now a global company that heals, educates and inspires people around the world. Beverly has not done this alone and it has been through many incredible relationships that have supported and inspired her to bring her incredible work to more and more people. "It is too amazing not to share....." Thank you to each and every one of you.
True Connection and Movement Work shop day - Yateley, Hampshire UK - December 18th 2016
This is a totally newer way of connecting to my body. I ‘ve come to understand my body in a totally different way and a new level of respect and appreciation for it. Beverly is an amazing practitioner – Thank you Bev! Click here for More Information on this workshop Contact Beverly for your own Workshop |
Spherical Living, Kew, London UK
December 2016 Presenting:
True Movement in the Park
Kangaroo Point Park, Brisbane 30th October 2016 Presenting True Movement 80 participants Contact Beverly if you're interested in having a True Movement presentation at your event. |
Body, Life, Skills Presentation with Tanya Curtis
27th October, Gold Coast Presenting Movement and Exercise to deepen your relationship with your body. Contact Beverly if you're interested in having her present at your event. |
Life is Medicine - Sydney 11th September - Serge Benhayon
Presenting True Movement 180 participants Contact Beverly if you're interested in having a True Movement presentation at your event. |
Pelvic Floor Awareness ONLINE Workshop - Launched August 2016
A two part 'ground breaking' workshop to support a deeper relationship to this exquisite area of our bodies "Bev supported me to feel the subtlety and full beauty of what we hold as women, and the meaning of sacredness is slowly evolving for me as I realise that this is just the beginning." More information |
Redefining Health and Wellbeing Day - Brisbane - 3rd July 2016
Presenting True Movement 150 participants Contact Beverly if you're interested in having a True Movement presentation at your event. |
SuperStar Strength ONLINE Program –
Launched August 2016 Online program to support true movement and bring love into exercise for people with Oesteoporosis. Look at those gorgeous faces!!! "Thank you Bev for these ground-breaking sessions. I feel this is so important to share with all." More information |
MEN'S Stillness in Movement Program ON LINE - Launched July 2016
A unique and caring space for men to reconnect to their bodies in a supportive competition free environment.
"Thank you Bev. The act of bringing the intent to move in present quality, I can feel will support to bring greater body awareness for the rest of the day and week. Fact."
More information
A unique and caring space for men to reconnect to their bodies in a supportive competition free environment.
"Thank you Bev. The act of bringing the intent to move in present quality, I can feel will support to bring greater body awareness for the rest of the day and week. Fact."
More information
Stillness in Movement ONLINE program – Launched June 2016
"How beautiful it was to be held by such a loving, understanding and inspiring woman. The tenderness, expansion and power I felt in my body after each session was palpable and very encouraging to continue moving like this in my day. I can't thank you enough Bev" More information |
True Movement ONLINE Perth - July 2016
Thank you to all those in Perth who initiated monthly Online True Movement at its best! If you would like True Movement in your area please get in touch with Beverly. One to one sessions and group classes are available. |
Life is Medicine - Serge Benhayon April 2016
Presenting True Movement to Sydney
Amazing day with over 200 participants.
Contact Beverly Carter if you're interested in having her present True Movement at your conference or event
Presenting True Movement to Sydney
Amazing day with over 200 participants.
Contact Beverly Carter if you're interested in having her present True Movement at your conference or event
Wellbeing for Women Presentations
Sydney – These groups are a great way to connect with other women to explore the issues that are effecting us all. Contact Beverly if you're interested in her Health and wellbeing presentations and workshops |
Looking forward to sharing more and to see what unfold in 2017
With love and Shine Bright,
Beverly Carter
With love and Shine Bright,
Beverly Carter